The Cosmic Dispatch
The Cosmic Dispatch is a weekly astrological weather report about bodies: the celestial and the earth-bound. Join astrologer and body-mind therapist Cory Nakasue as she guides us through the ever-changing astrological weather and uses the tools of astrology to help us connect to our bodies and communities. At its heart, astrology is about relationships: to time, nature, and change. How can we best understand different qualities of time? How can we deepen our relationships with ourselves and others? We’ll use the week’s astrology as a jumping off point to discuss topics such as current events, health, personal development, and more! We’ll also speak with guests and listen to music that embodies the current astrology, and answer audience questions. Please email thecosmicdispatch@gmail.com to send questions to be answered on the show, and guest recommendations. Schedule a consultation with Cory, or a discounted student consultation by emailing us at the above email address. Read Cory's monthly horoscopes on www.chronogram.com. Read producer Mandee Sheeler’s monthly moon reports on www.thestlouisan.com . Cory’s website: www.astrologybycory.com Mandee’s website: www.mandeesheeler.com
Podcasting since 2022 • 104 episodes
The Cosmic Dispatch
Latest Episodes
March 2025 Forecast featuring Venus’ Retrograde The Power of (Dis)Agreement
Reality is shaped by our tacit and explicit agreements. Our social systems, codes and organizational constructs only exist because they’re agreed upon. To a large degree, if we experience it, we’re cooperating with it. There is so much creat...
Season 3
Episode 2

February 2025. The Agony and Ecstasy of Pisces.
In today’s episode Cory delivers a short forecast for February; a squishy, sensitive, and romantic month filled with feeling, but shot through with dazzling moments of Aquarian clarity. She follows that with a segment on understanding the si...
Season 3
Episode 1

January 2025 + Capricorn Deep Dive Myths of Structure
January 2025 + Capricorn Deep Dive | Myths of StructureToday Cory and shea in the catskills explore the embodied experience of Capricorn, and delve into the less-talked about expressions of that zodiac sign. Especially as Satur...
Season 2
Episode 52

The Cosmic Dispatch: Off The Chart | Re-making Meaning with Jupiter & Mercury
It’s been a long time since I’ve done an “OTC” episode! These episodes are less structured and more illustrative. I invited Anastasia Wasco, writer, editor, and psychospiritual guide to talk about her experience of the Gemini-Sagittarius axi...
Season 2
Episode 51

December 2024 Forecast featuring Mars’ Retrograde Through Leo
In this episode Cory gives a quick and dirty breakdown of the major transits of December, with an introduction to Mars’ upcoming retrograde through Leo. For a deep and circuitous dive into Sagittarius, Mercury’s retrograde and opposition to Jup...
Season 2
Episode 50