The Cosmic Dispatch
The Cosmic Dispatch
I love love love this conversation about Leo that I had with Joselia Hughes. It might be my favorite conversation that I’ve had about Leo so far, because we talk about what is NOT visible with this sign. Of all the people I work with, people with strong Leo signatures are the ones who consistently report that they don’t resonate with the pop-astrology significations of the sign. Astrology is a complex story-telling apparatus. If we approach it with a prescriptive intention, it loses its potency. When we excavate the archetype of Leo we find things like deep sensitivities to visibility AND invisibility, and preoccupations with mortality (hence the need to create and express). Those of you who study astrology might look to Scorpio or Capricorn for topics of time and death, but Leo might have them beat when it comes to being focused on the sustenance of vitality and the endurance of its own essence.
Jo is a writer, editor, access worker, and artist. We also talk about the transformation of the archetype, where we see it showing up in the world, organizational structures, art-making, writing, disability justice, authoritarian/celebrity culture and more. I think everyone who has prominent Leo-Aquarius signatures will find themselves somewhere in this conversation.
Jo and I both have complex Leo signatures in our charts that are in tension with Aquarian elements, and that perspective is woven throughout the conversation. Have a listen. Tell us what you think.
Joselia Rebekah Hughes is a writer, artist, consultant, and access worker based in The Bronx. She's a Poetry co-editor at Apogee Journal and a Teaching Artist at Lincoln Center. She is currently pursuing a MFA in Writing at Bard. For more information, please visit joselia.info or follow her on Instagram @joselia_pdf.
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