The Cosmic Dispatch
The Cosmic Dispatch
October 2024
Today Cory walks us through the Gates of Hades (aka the autumnal equinox) with an October forecast, and a breakdown of the ultimate Libra solar eclipse and full moon in Aries. This solar eclipse is conjoined with the south node, Mercury, and Lilith. The asteroid Juno hangs out with this eclipse as well. That’s a lot of Libra material begging to be reckoned with. When do things like diplomacy, the rules of engagement, decorum, and codes of conduct do more to maintain inequities than to resolve injustice? How can the individuating powers or Aries create opportunities for authentic connection? The Aries-Libra situation gets flipped on its head this month and we can use the archetypes more effectively by working with them counter-intuitively. The words “relating,” and “relationship” make up about 60% of the words used in this episode. October really churns with these two big lunations whose rulers (Venus and Mars) are in signs of their antithesis AND configured to each other (and Saturn) by a grand water trine.
In the second half of the episode Cory continues the Aries- Libra-self-other-flip-the-script-fest. Some points to ponder:
When is civility barbaric? When is domestication violent? What is the self? Where is it located? Do I need relationships to build a sense of self? How are repulsion and attraction the same thing? How do divisions within myself show up in my external reality?
Films mentioned: I Heart Huckabees and Triangle of Sadness
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