The Cosmic Dispatch
The Cosmic Dispatch
Cosmic Dispatch November 2024: Find What You Love and Let It Kill You
Charles Bukowski’s oft quoted “Find what you love and let it kill you,” always felt very Scorpionic to me. Especially lately, as I witness so much all-or-nothing behavior in the lives of friends, clients, and multiple groups of people. Whether its through martyrdom, power-hoarding, compulsive behavior, or ecstatic surrender, this Scorpio season is probably the most exacting Scorpio season I’ve lived through.
In this episode I explore how this double-edged sword of a quote can symbolize unmatched creative and destructive power. Other topics in this episode include:
The somatics of the sign of Scorpio
Interacting with the dead (or ghosts of memory and history) through astrology
November forecast featuring the Mars-Pluto opposition
Pluto’s last days in Capricorn, featuring the Pluto return of the USA
A bit about Mercury's retrograde in Sagittarius, Pluto’s entrance into Aquarius, and learning to hold multiple truths at the same time (and also let go of them as they change).
Books mentioned: The Astrology of Fate by Liz Greene, and The Dream and the Underworld by James Hillman
Book a consultation with Cory: https://www.astrologybycory.com/services
The Show: The Cosmic Dispatch | Instagram | Newsletter
The Creator: Cory Nakasue | Monthly Horoscopes | Instagram
The Keeper of the Questions: Mandee Sheeler | Instagram